Abu Ramada South

Abu Ramada South

Dive Site Overview

Depth: 5-35M M Diffculty: Beginner Type:

Around 80 mins from central Hurghada.


Always sheltered and very busy on a windy day. This is a good choice for all levels of diver and suits any level of dive training.

A terrace-profiled plateau next to a shallow wall at the very south tip of Abu Ramada Island. The plateau extends as a shelf to the west, eventually yielding to a drop-off.

Dive plan:
The shelf to the west of the main reef slopes from 11M at the bottom of the wall towards the drop-off at around 14M. halfway, you find an eel garden swaying in the current.

Further south, a hill-shaped coral formation clings to the edge of the drop-off. Just east from here, a series of pinnacles lead the way back towards the mooring lines. The wreck of an old safari boat has found its final resting place on an elevated coral garden net to the top of the reef (5M). This make for a perfect safety stop.

What do you expect to see here

What to see:
The bottom may seem lifeless at the first glance, but when explored a little more, an abundance of macro life is discovered. Massive schools of masked butterflyfish, bannerfish, goatfish & sweetlips hover majestically along the wall and around the pinnacles. Free swimming moray cruise the wall, while napoleon wrasse scrutinize bypassing divers at closer range.

Experience the Magic with Blue Paradise Dive Centre

Dive into the extraordinary with Blue Paradise Dive Center in Hurghada. Our premier dive center offers scuba diving courses, exciting activities, and unforgettable experiences in the Red Sea.

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