

Dive Site Overview

Depth: 0-50M + M Diffculty: Beginner Type:

Around 70 mins from central Hurghada.

0-15M at the main reef, sloping to around 50M +.

Somewhat protected from the wind by a small bend in Big Giftun Island. Suitable for all levels divers.

This site is also know as Stone Beach or Lion's Head. From the top of the reef there is a tiny wall down to 12-15M that transforms into a slope before turning into a stepped drop 35-50M +.To the north, as well as the south, the slope turns into vertical walls

Dive Plan:
A drift from the north is a popular option. The sheer wall becomes more interesting as it's interrupted by a few coral formations along the way. Towers stretching out with caverns and swim-throughs are covered with soft corals. You can end the dive moving shallower over the slanting coral garden.

Another option starts from the mooring. This dive mainly explores the coral garden, this time the deeper part as well. Most of the hard corals are in excellent condition and almost right under the boat there is a gigantic green lettuce coral at around 30M depth.

Swimming in a big circle counter clockwise you'll find yourself on the shallow part when it's time to turn around.

What do you expect to see here

What to see:
This dive site has a great variation of marine life and you can expect to find schools of snappers, surgeonfish and goatfish in the shallows, while the deeper part is the habitat for napoleon wrasse, groupers and moray eels. Turtles come by from time to time, as do sharks. Even whale sharks and manta have been sighted here.

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Dive into the extraordinary with Blue Paradise Dive Center in Hurghada. Our premier dive center offers scuba diving courses, exciting activities, and unforgettable experiences in the Red Sea.

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