Learn to dive
Explore the other 70 % of our planet

To ensure the highest safety standards, we limit our specialty courses to groups of no more than 5 students. All our instructors are experienced, multilingual SSI and PADI instructors. Together we speak Dutch, French, German, English and Arabic. Our instructors are patient and radiate calmness, these are essential qualities for teaching courses and even more important when we teach children (possible from 10 years).
Both SSI and PADI have undergone rigorous audits to ensure that their programs meet the International ISO Standards. Therefore both certifications are considered to be of equivalent quality and are worldwide recognized and accepted within the scuba industry. SSI courses are more affordable, due to the lower cost of certification fees and digital training materials, without compromising on the quality of the training. SSI began to offer digital materials a decade ago and constantly improved their E-learning platforms. Today they only offer online courses and developed a pioneer mobile application, allowing students to complete the theoretical part on their smartphone, tablet or computer, at their own pace and from anywhere. PADI still offers both options for learning, either through their e-learning platform or physical books.
SSI & PADI training materials and certification fees are already included in the prices. A dive computer is optional and highly recommended. All our open water dives during the course are boat dives, they offer greater comfort and enjoyment compared to beachdives.